
Hi! My name is Marina. I live in the United States in New York last 6 years. I was born and raised in Russia.
I'm a vegetarian last couple years, doing yoga and now I'm on the way to starting writing and :-) posting.
I want to share my experience of my Journey of making my life more Effective, Green, Sustainable, Natural, and Non-Toxic.
I read and write about Green, Sustainable topics and about my Experiences.
I made my month a Challenges schedule as Early Wake-up, Meditation and Self Conchesness time, Cooking, Plastic free, Family, Working and Resting time.
I share on Social Media and on this Website. So it has been The Blog, The Shop and Social Media created which is expanding, replenishing and growing from the start.
Comments, jokes and discussions are welcome. 🤗

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